Week 4 Role Play Assignment

  • 2 years ago

Week 4 Role Play Assignment

In this role-play scenario, each student will select a counseling theory, write and script a “role play” with dialogue, based upon one of the theories discussed in class. The role play will be evaluated based upon the attached rubric.

  1. You will facilitate an individual role play. The role plays will be filmed.
  2. You will select a topic and grade level (k to 12) (Intervention, Enabling, Eating Disorders etc.).
  3. Your role play will reflect your learning and should reflect your understanding of the theory/theories, description, and techniques/counseling skills covered in this course.
  4. Your video should be 5-8 minutes.
  5. The counselor and client must both have speaking parts.
  6. You are responsible for appropriately displaying the theory, counseling skills/ techniques, and the application of strategies appropriate for helping children and youth resolve personal, social, and economic issues.
  7. You must effectively use at least one visual aid during your skit (props, poster, chalkboard, PowerPoint, etc. )
  8. This assignment will be assessed according to the role play rubric attached.
  9. Please upload your video to youtube or use mashups.